For a less-than-a-year-old startup, Bonvera is doing some amazing things. They’ve already secured proprietary deals with companies like P&G, SC Johnson, Kraft, General Mills, As Seen On TV, and many more. Just recently their facility got FDA approved to carry pharmacy products like cough medicine, headache medicine, etc. Every day they are getting better and better. I’m excited for the future because many things are coming – better websites, better shipping deals (beyond Bonvera Advantage), more in house and name brand products, etc.
Check out these two short videos that Bonvera and XO Training put together:
Unlock the Potential of E-Commerce In Your Life from Bonvera on Vimeo.
Bonvera – The Future of E-Commerce from Bonvera on Vimeo.
Which video do you like best and why?